Library Budget

BUDGET 2019 Actual 2019 BUDGET 2020 Actual 2020 Budget 2021 Budget 2022 actual 2022/Oct 6 2022 Proposed Budget 2023
Town Of New Albion
Village of Catt
Town of Otto
Town of East Otto
Catt-LV Central School  $                                 75,000.00
Local Library Services  $                                    1,400.00
Cash Grant  $                                       250.00
Marketing Grant
Materials Grant  $                                    2,149.00
State Senate Bullet Aid
Covid reopening grant
Collaboration Grant
Outreach Grant
Penquin Random Grant
Nora Roberts Grant
Walmart Grant
Summer Reading Grant
Cullen Foundat Grant
Construction Grant
Interest Earned  $                                       100.00
Donations General
Donations Letter
Donations Improvement
Copies  $                                       800.00
Lost or Damaged Books
Fax  $                                          50.00
Misc-erate,recycled ink
Uncategorized Income  $                                          20.00
Book Sales  $                                       150.00
Laminations  $                                            5.00
Total Receipts  $                                 79,924.00
Gross Payroll  $                                 45,000.00
Employers SS and Med  $                                 10,000.00
Workman’s Comp & Dis  $                                    1,200.00
Magazines  $                                          80.00
Books  $                                    3,938.00
Videos  $                                    1,312.00
Replacement Bks & video’s  $                                       250.00
Cleaning Supplies/Covid  $                                       350.00
ILL Book Fines
Building Repairs general  $                                    1,000.00
Building – Covid Expense
Building – Furnishings
Building – Maintenance
Building- New Roof
Building – Construction
Building – Update  $                                    3,500.00
Heat  $                                    2,000.00
Electric  $                                    2,200.00
Insurance  $                                    2,000.00
Water & Sewer  $                                       800.00
Library Supplies  $                                       500.00
Office Supplies  $                                       500.00
Software & Internet  $                                       700.00
Phone  $                                    1,000.00
Software License  $                                       800.00
Movie License  $                                       300.00
New Equipment  $                                    2,000.00
Postage  $                                       300.00
Computer and Copier  $                                    1,000.00
Interest Exp – Roof Loan
Programs  $                                       600.00
Advertising  $                                       500.00
Miscellaneous (milage)  $                                       200.00
Accountant  $                                       700.00
Trash Removal  $                                       400.00
CCLS Overdrive  $                                       300.00
Safe Deposit Box  $                                          15.00
Bank Charges
Meals (Annual Meeting)
Annual Letter  $                                       600.00
Ins Bonding – Treasurer  $                                       400.00
Membership Fee NYSLA  $                                       250.00
Total Disbursements  $                                 84,695.00